Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Primary care giving programme

Primary care giving (it is also called the key teacher programme) for infants is a care programme which intends to build up warm, secure and responsive relationships with children and partnerships with their families. The role of the primary care giver is to take the key position in feeding, sleeping, nappy changing, observing and playing with a particular child/children. Primary care giver also has the key role of making connections to the child/children’s cultural background and family contexts, and documenting the child/children’s learning experiences in early childcare settings.
Primary care giving is a popular programme for working with very young children. Through this programme, children and families settle into the centre and develop a sense of trust and reciprocity with the primary caregiver, other teachers and the centre environment. The model of programme enables infants to feel safe and secure, and are encouraged and supported for further exploration and interaction with the environment.  

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